Sunday 8 May 2011

An Open Letter to Autumn's Teachers

After purchasing and playing 2 board games at my sister in law's garage sale, I feel it is imperative to share some information with 7 year old Autumn's teachers:

Dear Teachers of Autumn Neiszner (past and present),

Thank you for teaching my daughter to read, write and spell so successfully that she was able to soundly defeat her father and older cousins at Scrabble Junior.  Thank you for developing her critical and strategic thinking so that she could anticipate and block the words the others had planned to spell.

Thank you for teaching her French, so that when the English instructions were missing from the box of Monopoly junior, she was still able to set up and play the game following the correct rules (I double checked).

Thank you for teaching her math so that, not only could she be banker, but she was able to know at any given time how much money she had, and how little money everyone else had.  Thanks to the deductive reasoning skills and knowledge of probability you helped her develop, she was able to fairly accurately predict how many more turns it would take for her sister, mother and father to be bankrupt.

I sincerely appreciate these real world skills you have fostered in my daughter.  You definitely deserve a raise! But, just one suggestion, could you work a little more on humility and sportsmanship?!


Hillary Ibbott Neiszner

1 comment:

  1. LMAO!!! Hillary this absolutely made my day! Jackie
