Tuesday 9 August 2011

40 lessons from 40 years

Well, it is here, the big 4-0.  I have decided to embrace it and to share 40 random life lessons I have learned in my 40 years!  Here they are in no particular order:

1.  Being filled and being fulfilled are not the same
2.  The number of bottles of wine consumed should not exceed the number of people present
3.  Spirituality is about how you live not where you worship
4.  Being a parent is life's greatest gife
5.  It is good to put in your 2 cents only when it won't cost you more
6.  Life isn't fair
7.  Advil and diet Pepsi aren't part of a food group
8.  Most things are made better by one or all of the 4 great c's; great coffee, great chocolate, great Cabernet and great company
9. It is okay to go to a movie by yourself
10. Being smart is better than being good looking but it is preferable to be both
11. You can learn from the past but you can't change it; guilt is a waste of time
12.  The NHL playoffs are way too long
13.  Summer holidays are the best part of the year
14.  A mother's hug cures almost anything no matter how old you are
15.  There is no accident that the word "work" is in "work out"
16.  Always unplug your car in winter before driving away
17.  There is a connection between looking good and feeling good
18.  Literacy is the great equalizer
19.  Knowing right, being right and doing right are not the same
20.  The book is always better than the movie
21.  Laughter is the best medicine (Advil might be number 2)
22.  Sometimes everyone needs a mental health day
23.  Do what you love; love what you do
24.  Ambition and compassion make a great team
25.  Family is forever
26.  Money cannot buy happiness but having both is really nice
27.  There is no such thing as normal
28.  Swearing is best left for very specific occasions rather than everyday language
29.  Setting goals is essential to achieving them
30.  As much as you might try, food that tastes good is not the same as food that is good for you
31.  The sixth sense is a sense of humour
32.  Disneyland may be the happiest place on earth but you still have to wait in a lot of lines
33.  Yelling rarely works
34.  If you are a good friend you will have good friends
35.  Yelling rarely works
36.  Wearing the team's jersey or colours while watching the game has no power over whether they win or lose
37.  The best way to be positive and optimistic is to be surrounded by positive and optimistic people
38.  Drink a lot of water
39.  Show and share your love and appreciation to those who have it
40.  Celebrate often!

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