Getting Intimate with Classroom Assessment:
Based on the work of Anne Davies, this presentation focuses on a model for ongoing assessment for learning in the classroom. The workshop includes interactive activities and uses the metaphor of sex to make people reflect on the intimate nature of assessment and the "taboos" around sharing and discussing how to make it better and more meaningful for everyone involved. Not for the faint at heart, there is moderate adult content! This workshop was designed for highschool staff and is appropriate for 20-60 people. Duration is 1.5 hours. Additional case studies have also been included for a 3 hour workshop as well.
Shades of Grades:
Based on the work of Ken O'Connor, this workshop explores some of the issues surrounding traditional assessment of learning methods and grading practices. This workshop contains interactive case studies and is appropriate for groups of 20-60. Again this workshop uses a metaphor to encourage staff to examine practice from a different perspective. This workshop was designed for high school staff. Duration is 1.5 hours.
Comprehension and Collaboration in the Classroom:
Based on the work of Stephanie Harvey and Harvey Daniels, this interactive workshop explores rationale and potential for integrating inquiry circles into the classroom. This workshop was designed for k-12 teachers and is appropriate for groups of 10-60 but could be adapted for larger groups. Duration is 1.5-2 hours
Unwrapping Outcomes and Understanding Indicators:
Based on the work of Larry Ainsworth, this workshop helps teachers to breakdown, understand and plan based on the renewed, outcome based, Saskatchewan Curriculum Documents. Teachers have the opportunity to work with outcomes from a chosen document and practice the process collaboratively in order to develop some effective plans to use in their classrooms. This workshop is appropriate for staff using the new curricular documents. Ideally 20-40 people. Duration 2 hours.
Reading Strategies in the Classroom:
This workshop is aimed at providing teachers practical, useful ways to incorporate reading strategy instruction and practice in content area classrooms. Based on a collection of work including Kylene Beers, Chris Tovani, Stephaine Harvey, Harvey Daniels and Janet Allen, this interactive workshop is intended to show teachers how strategy use and instruction can be embedded in curricular content teaching without creating extra work but providing additional benefit with the focus on student metacognition of reading strategies.
This workshop can be tailored to suit all grade levels and groups from 20-60. Duration 1.5-2 hours.